What are Conklyn's Florist hours of operation?
Floral consultants are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist you. Contact us anytime.
Is the information I provide during the checkout process kept private?
All information is held in strictest confidence. We do not trade, rent or sell this information to outside companies. We only use this information to personalize your shopping experience, as well as notifying you about special offers, services and enhancements. Any suspicious or fraudulent use of credit cards will be forwarded to authorities and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
How far in advance can I order an arrangement for delivery?
You may order an arrangement as far in advance as you desire.
What happens if I provide an incorrect delivery address?
Any incorrect delivery address will incur an additional $10.00 delivery charge.
Can I cancel my order?
While we process your request the moment we receive it, it is sometimes very difficult to get cancellation requests complete. Our network ranges throughout the country and because of the importance placed on a timely delivery of your request and various time zones, it can sometimes be very difficult to stop or cancel a delivery attempt or a placed order. Cancellations must be done with-in 24 hours of the delivery. Any cancellation requests after this period cannot be guaranteed and subject to a 20% charge.
Is tax included in the price of the arrangement?
While all orders (excluding shipped items) are total prices delivered, we are unable to include the tax rate in the advertised price because this is a collection and not a sale.