Many of us can not help but appreciate the beauty of nature, especially her plants and flowers. Now, with the use of a smartphone and apps that can identify the flowers and plants around us, we’re able to understand more about the world we live in. There’re are a number of excellent plant and flower ID apps available that provide specific information about what plant we are looking at, as well as advice on plant care so they can flourish. Of course, you can always visit Alexandria’s Premier flower shop, Conklyn’s Florist, and ask any of our floral experts, or you can read more about identifier apps we’ve listed for you below.

Top-Reviewed Flower & Plant Identifier Apps

With a database of over 625,000 species, PlantSnap is an easy-t0-use app that identifies flowers, plants, trees, mushrooms, and succulents in just seconds. There are also tutorials that teach you how to maximize the use of this app. PlantSnap has over 150 million images and is free to use. There is also a premium version with fewer ads.

PlantNet is a popular free app that identifies plants, flowers, bushes, grasses, vines, and trees from a photo you upload. PlantNet is also considered to be a science project app because all of the photos of plants and flowers submitted are collected and examined by scientists. The goal is to get a better understanding of plant biodiversity and improve plant preservation.

PictureThis uses advanced AI technology to identify plants and flowers. Claiming a 99% accuracy rate and over 27 million plants identified, this app also gives plant care tips, disease analyses, and pest control tips. PictureThis is well-reviewed and easy to use but is a subscription-based app. A 7-day free trial is available, though, so you can check it out before committing to the subscription.

What’s That Flower?
Instead of uploading a photo, What’s That Flower uses a series of simple questions about the flower you’re interested in to come up with possible matches. It’s perfect for when you don’t have or can’t take a picture of a flower you want to know about. Each flower in its database has beautiful imagery with detailed information about it. What’s That Flower has over 600 varieties of flowers and is free to use with an ad-free premium version available also.
More Awesome Identification Apps to Check Out
Plantix – Helps users identify a vast variety of plants and plant diseases and problems.
FloweChecker – Rather than AI technology, this app uses expert botanists to identify your photo of a plant or flower.
LeafSnap – Identify a broad variety of trees by submitting photos of just their leaves.
iNaturalists – Identifies natural elements around us including animals, insects, and butterflies, too, in addition to plants, trees, flowers, and shrubs.
Plus, for all the wildflower lovers out there, just perform a search for wildflowers apps on your phone or check out this list of free wildflower ID apps for nearly every region of North America. Happy snapping!