Conklyn's Flowers is here to pass on some of our top tips for the proper care and feeding of flowers. We want you to enjoy your floral design for as long as possible, and while each flower species has its own life expectancy, you can definitely count on getting 5-7 days out of yours. Read on to find out how to make it the best life for your bouquet. Read More about Caring For Your Flowers So They Live Their Best Life »
You may not be traveling to paradise this summer, but there's no reason not to act like it.
Let us at Conklyn's Flowers explain. When summer rolls around, we all get bitten by the travel bug. For some of us, the desire to get out and see the world is intense, for others of us, it's more of a general excitement and curiosity about the rest of the world. There are so many different reasons to explore other places: to learn and discover, to rest and recover, and on and on and on. One thing we can all agree on is that travel is inspiring and introduces us to new sights, sounds and, lets face it, delicious food. Even if you aren't going somewhere enticing this summer, you can bring florals into your home that will make it feel as though you have. Read More about Paradise Found, In Flowers »
The 4th of July is one of those holidays that we look forward to all year, so perfectly does it capture the spirit of summer. Of course, we're celebrating a lot when we get together on this day, reflecting on our storied history and the sacrifices so many have made in order for us to live freely. But this is also a time to have some fun outdoors, whether we're boating on the lake, lounging by the pool or kicking the ball around in the backyard. Food is in order---maybe a barbecue or a potluck---and the day is typically capped off with a fireworks show that makes kids again of us all. Conklyn's Flowers has the perfect flowers for your 4th festivities. Read More about Flowers Fit For Fireworks »
We here at Conklyn's Flowers have no doubt that you've planned out the whole menu for your summertime soiree---you know, the one where you have a proper dinner party, inviting all your friends, family and neighbors over to eat, drink, be merry and welcome summer? These gatherings have a loose, festive and relaxed vibe, showcasing lots of fresh food and delicious wine or cocktails. Maybe you're serving up sangria and tapas, a zesty ceviche or a jambalaya. Summer's flavors are bright and bold, so it follows that the flowers you use to decorate your fiesta should be, too. Read More about Summer’s Flower And Dinner (And Wine, And Dessert) Pairings »
Conklyn's Flowers is thrilled to be at the beginning of June, the month that sees more marriages than any other month of the year. Flowers are at their fullest expression (and some might say best) at the dawn of summer, when the weather is temperate and skies are blue. It's picture perfect outside, which is one of the reasons we tend to get married in June. Flowers are a huge part of ceremonies and receptions---we know, because we provide them. We also offer anniversary flowers, the kind of floral designs that speak to the deep and abiding relationship you have been nurturing over the years. Read More about June’s Prettiest Anniversary Flowers »
Who says you can't give dad flowers? Certainly not Conklyn's.
Father's Day is June 17, so cue the search for the perfect gift. The struggle is real with this one, as so often our dads are mum on the topic of what they want, demurring instead to a vague "I don't need anything." This year, we suggest you take them at their word, and in that case, get them something nobody needs but that is always deeply appreciated for its beauty and freshness. Here's how you can give your dad flowers this year. Read More about Yes, Dads Deserve Flowers Too »
June 8 brings us National Best Friend's Day, and if you didn't know that was a thing, rejoice, because it is.
Conklyn's Florist is of course prepared to help you celebrate your friendship through flowers, but we are ready to go one better than that even. We're here to help you send your bestie flowers that are imbued with symbolism, speaking directly to the quality and depth of your friendship and looking gorgeous while doing it. Read More about Flowers For Your Best Friend »
Who doesn't love a good sneak peek?
We here at Conklyn's Flowers aren't about to turn down the chance to look ahead to summer's flowers, or to show you what's coming, either. Spring and summer share many blooms in common, but there's nothing quite like the hottest season to give us some of the freshest, hardiest, brightest bloomers all year. Sunflowers, roses, daisy, dahlia, marigold and a whole variety of lilies. It's a veritable showcase of the year's most glorious flowers. Read More about Sneak Peek At Summer’s Blossoms »
One of the best ways to celebrate Memorial Day (May 28 this year---make a note, if you haven't already), is to remember someone who lost a soldier. Offer that person flowers in memory of their fallen loved one and in acknowledgement of their sacrifice to country. Conklyn's Flowers is happy to guide you in your selection of flowers or plants for this occasion, which doesn't necessarily call for the red, white and blue scheme we see on other patriotic holidays, but doesn't require a traditional sympathy arrangement either. Read More about Express Your Admiration On Memorial Day »
Among the many flower purchases you may make in your life, Mother's Day stands out. These are flowers intended for someone who is critically important in your life---and may have even brought you into this one. The moms we honor (and remember) on May 13th have an extraordinary impact on the lives of many. They deserve our attention, our time and our thanks. They also deserve a little something for themselves, whether that's to relax or to spend every second with family and friends. The flowers you choose for them should reflect what you hope for them this year. Conklyn's Flowers is here to help. Read More about Modern Flowers For A Modern Mom »
Posted by conklyns on May 7, 2018
| Last Updated: March 10, 2020